About me

I am a programmer. Probably. I'm trying my best. Most of the time I am a web developer, but I am also interested in game developement. I like to explore new things, practice coding and play computer games.

If, for whatever reason, you want to know what is my favorite computer game and what is my favorite book, I can tell you I really like The Witcher books and games.



Python logo

Python 3

CSS framework

TailwindCSS logo

Tailwind CSS

Game engine

Godot logo



My favorite programming language is Python 3. I have some basic knowledge of the Flask microframework, which I can use as backend of web applications. I also know the PHP programming language. When I do backend developement, I use PHP most of the time. I can also create scripts for my websites in vanilla JavaScript or use the VueJS frontend framework. I also know a tiny bit of C (and a bit of C++, I'm interested in Arduino, and the Internet of Things).


File structure englishizator

Transform your file structure to an english keyboard friendly one.

Web Image Optimizer

Tiny program for optimizing images for the web.

Web design and template coding

My web design skills are not the best. But I think I am improving them. You can take this personal portfolio as an example of my web design skills.

I am able to do some template coding. I use modern technologies - HTML 5, CSS 3, and modern JavaScript. I can use CSS frameworks Bulma, Bootstrap or TailwindCSS to build websites faster. My templates are responsive, they fit every screen. I can also create templates with dark mode.


Example dark mode website

Just an example

Example from PSD

Site converted from PSD template.

Game developement

I’m also trying to get into game developement. I’m not very experienced, really just a beginner. I’m learning to use Godot Engine, because it’s free and open-source.

If you don’t have anything to do, feel free to check my attempts on games on my itch.io. They’re all free, of course.


Jumping Sh*t 64

A really sh*tty game.


Kill zombies before they kill you!

Contact me

If you want to ask me something or work with me, see my Fiverr or contact me using this form.

Contact form: